Investing in Enabling Technologies
Date & Time
Thursday, May 18, 2023, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Simon Woodruff Heather Lewtas Daisuke Nakahara Melanie Windridge

The risk profiles of fusion companies vary greatly depending on their approach and the engineering and construction issues that result. Investing in companies that seek to resolve these challenges can both give diverse exposure in fusion and other markets and a quicker path to profitability.

  • What are the technical challenges in fusion and how might these present investment opportunities?
  • How is the fusion supply-chain structured? What supply-chain businesses can give diverse exposure to the fusion and other markets?
  • Is exposure to companies with adjacent initiatives that may generate revenues – tritium breeding, magnets or lasers, medtech etc – superior to those with laser-focus on delivering fusion energy?
  • To what extent does this strategy mitigate fusion investment risks?